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November 16, 2014 8:20 pm


When I took Driver’s ED, it was at a time when the only requirements were that you had to be 14.5 years old and pay the $200 or whatever it was to get in. After the 8 or 10 week course, provided you were 15 by then, you could get your license. Just like that…. Read more > Comments Off on Wreckage

November 27, 2013 6:25 pm


One of Daniel’s co-workers took my advice to start reading The Name of the Wind, and he TOTALLY LOVED IT. He sped through it and then waited for days to borrow The Wise Man’s Fear from us so he could keep going. He said he was going to spend all of Thanksgiving reading it. I… Read more > Comments Off on Evangelist

November 24, 2013 11:35 pm


Our friends host a Thanksgiving dinner every year, and this year we volunteered to bring stuffing and a pumpkin pie. Mostly I volunteered the stuffing because I love boxed stuffing mix! Everybody tries to get all fancy with celery and whatnot and I’m just not into it. Our pumpkin pie recipe is actually vegan, but… Read more > 1 Comment >