Getting to know you
Daniel’s video game
Okay, I’m going to do something DasBecca does on occasion, and it is what she calls roll call. Basically, I’d just like to know a bit more about the people visiting my site. Feel free to copy and paste, and I’d love to hear from you regardless if I know you in real life, if I know you over Teh Intarwebs, if this is your first time to my site or if it’s your millionth.
My name is [blank]. The last CD or song I listened to was [blank], and I [have/have not] seen them in concert. The last book I read was [blank], and the last dream of mine that I remember was about [blank]. I have been visiting your site for [length of time] and I wish you would talk more about [a subject]. Also, [Pepsi/Coke] is better.
Also, since I sort of collect silly foreign stationery, if anybody would like a letter from me I would be more than willing to write one to you. Just email me with your address. I hereby solemnly swear not to stalk and/or kill you, and to not sell your email to spammers. I’m just not like that.
My name is Callie. The last CD or song I listened to was X&Y, by Coldplay, and I have not seen them in concert. The last book I read was Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk, and the last dream of mine that I remember was about a famous surfer, with an identical twin brother, who was in love with me. I have been visiting your site for two years and I wish you would talk more about your hopes, thoughts and dreams. And me. Also, Coke is better.
My online name is Morgwileth. My real name is of no importance and unpronoucable for anyone outside of this country. The last CD or song I listened to was Pocket Revolution by dEUS, and I have not seen them in concert. The last book I read was Anne Rice – The tale of the body thief, and the last dream of mine that I remember was about the International Library of Düsseldorf. I have been visiting your site for a few months maybe and I wish you would talk more about no idea. Also, Water is better.
My name is Melissa. The last CD or song I listened to was “Gabriel” by Najoua Belyzel, and I have not seen them in concert. The last book I read was “Homo faber” by Max Frisch, and the last dream of mine that I remember was about death. I have been visiting your site for half a year and I wish you would talk more about (no idea – you talk about a large, interesting variety of things already). Also, WATER is better.
Hello, my name is Nicole. The last CD I listened to was System of A Down, I have not seen them in concert (for fear of being killed). I have not read a book in a long long time, and I miss it. The last book I probably read was The Virgins Knots, which was awesome. The last 5 dreams I can remember have all had to do with people close to me dying, it is starting to get to me. I have been visiting your site for 6 months now. I don’t know what I wish you would talk about more, but I do enjoy all of the stuff you do talk about. Maybe more about school, because I often read your journal to see what I can expect. However, then your journal may turn into mine where ALL I talk about is school, gets a little boring I suppose.
My name is Becca. The last CD or song I listened to was “I’ll Believe in Anything” by Wolf Parade, and I have not seen them in concert (never been to a concert, can you believe it?). I’m currently reading some Stephen King book about an evil car, and the last dream of mine that I remember was about being a bodyguard for old high school friends. I have been visiting your site for months and months (maybe even a year) and I wish you would talk more about GOATS. Heh. Also, Diet Pepsi is better.
… Wow, that was a lot of fun. It’s nice to try it on someone else’s site! :-D
You site looks great.
You know my name, you know my music, you know my books, you know my boobs.
And I dont drink soda with caffiene. But man, kool aid ROCKS me.
And you knew that too.
Is there anything about me that you dont already know that you want to??
My name is Jamie. The last CD or song I listened to was Força by Nelly Furtado, and I have not seen her in concert. The last book I read was The Notebook, and the last dream of mine that I remember was about a house purchase. I have been visiting your site for one day (and its awesome! Bookmarked!) and I don’t know what else you should talk about because I haven’t been visiting long enough to answer this question. Also, Pepsi is so much better than coke, duh
I think you already know me, but…
My name is Rosemarie. The last CD or song I listened to was Missionary Man (by the eurythmics), and I have not seen them in concert. The last book I read was The Twilight Tower, and the last dream of mine that I remember was about gerbils escaping and some random orgy I had at a birthday party (ew, I know, but it’s true!). I have been visiting your site for I dunno. A year? Maybe? and I wish you would talk more about… *thinks* … I don’t know! I like reading about you and Daniel… . Also, neither is better. (I hate pop)
Very First Time Here, I do believe. Well, not really, but mostly. I dunno. I saw this, I filled it out, and I will probably continue to visit.
My name is Allison. The last CD or song I listened to was Over Under Everything (Circadian Rhythm), and I have not seen them in concert. The last book I read was Spindle’s End by Robin McKinley, and the last dream of mine that I remember was about clambering through this rocky cave thing under a sunken ship and airplane. (That evening I felt unwell, the next morning I was very sick.) I have been visiting your site for two minutes and I wish you would talk more about um, me! Also, Pepsi is better.
My (net)name is Sim. The last song I listened to was Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder, and I haven’t seen him in concert. The last book I read was The Hogfather (Terry Pratchett), and the last dream of mine that I remember was about not having a chair at orchestra and much other randomness. I have been visiting your site for quite a wheel (since the dark green and the rhino, I think) and I wish you would talk more about anything you want to do. Also, Pepsi and Coke are both baaaaaaad.