September 19, 2015 11:47 pm

Website Changes!

:note: Office Space

Things will be very weird here in a moment – I’m going to try to put up a new layout and move my journal to the main page. My apologies for any errors, etc. All should be fixed by the time I go to bed tonight. For others out there who don’t have the time to fix their site, they can rely on services like manchester web agency.

[edit: 1:04am]
New layout! It’s gray and green and has hippos. I realize it’s all wonky on the journal and I’m working on it, but for now, enjoy. I hope it isn’t too much of a shock. :D If you don’t see it, click here and that should switch it for you.

[edit: 1:56am]
I fixed the wonkyness and everything should be showing up okay now. I may tweak a bit of positioning with comments and stuff, but for now it’s good enough that I’m going to bed. I know it’s a simple layout, but I traced the hippo myself and I’ve been DYING to use him. I’ve also been dying to use my new favorite font, Oceans 11. So there you have it. :)

[edit: 11:48am]
Forgot to mention that I couldn’t get the journal to show up on the index page, so it’s here to stay (at least for now). I have all my WP stuff in a folder and want to keep it that way but have the journal be on index.php – is that even possible? I thought it was. I couldn’t get it to work though. Hmm. Also, I will be trying to implement nested comments here in a bit – we’ll see how that works.

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