November 3, 2011 9:03 pm
Thankful Thursday
My friend B is doing a “Thankful Thursday” series on her blog and has invited others to join in. Here’s this Thursday’s list for me:
- I haven’t talked about this much yet, but my grandpa passed away October 27th, so I’m thankful to have lived to the age of 26 without having lost a grandparent before. He was a very quiet man and I didn’t know a lot about him until very recently, but I’m glad for having known him. I’m also thankful that he died naturally in his sleep instead of, say, after a lengthy hospital stay or debilitating illness. Going peacefully in your sleep is about as good as it can get, I think.
- I’m thankful that I get to see my other brother for a few days. He is fun to talk to, and I think we’d hang out if he lived here and not Boise.
- I’m thankful that Daniel, Wesley and I were able to visit Portland recently. I got to see so many friends! We like living here a lot, but we miss our Portland friends so it was nice being able to catch up. (If we missed seeing you, ACK! I am sorry! Hopefully we’ll be back soon. Or you could come visit.)
- I’m thankful for the freelance projects I’ve gotten recently.
- I’m thankful we’re making it work so I can stay at home with Wesley. It might not last forever, but I’m doing my best to enjoy it while it lasts.
I think the list is wonderful. I am sorry about your Grandfather passing. I do agree with you. I would want to pass in my sleep instead of, say, after a lengthy hospital stay or debilitating illness.
Wesley is adorable as Calvin & Hobbes. I think your idea of having Hobbes as the bag was splendid. Otherwise you probably would have been holding either the treat bag or Hobbes all night if not both, lol.
Oh, by the way, I changed yarn on the hoodie to a pure cotton yarn also & a solid color. When I started to roll the other it started shedding & if I won’t use the yarn for myself then I am not about to give it away to a friend. So I picked up some of the same brand of cotton that his overalls are in but in a stonewashed denim blue color.
I’m so sorry to hear about your grandfather. I lost my grandfather when I was in elementary school but I still have 3 grandparents left. <3
I'm glad that you're able to stay home with Wesley. It's great to be able to do it for as long as you can, like you said. Hopefully those freelance projects keep coming.
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your GPop. I lost my Grandfather in October of last year. He died while I was beside him in the hospital bed, and I saw him take his last few breaths.
My other Grandfather lives out in California (I’m in Delaware), so I don’t get to see him much.
Wesley is so adorable.