I have some exciting news!
I have given my notice at my job, and we are moving back home to Idaho.
This is one of those times I wish I felt comfortable talking about my workplace on my blog, but I do not. Suffice to say, things got weird, people I admire and respect either have left or are leaving, and it became increasingly obvious to me that it was time for me to move on. My last day is next Friday, March 18, and I will be a stay-at-home-mom to Wesley for the next few weeks or month or however long it takes us to put a deposit on a place in our hometown and give our notice at our place here in Portland.
I am so, so excited. It sounds weird, but living in a much smaller town with family nearby actually gives me infinitely more options than what I’m doing now. I might not have to work! If I do, I can work part-time! I don’t necessarily have to put Wesley in daycare! I could open an Etsy shop! Daniel is finishing up writing a business plan to open his own coffeeshop, so we might be small business owners! We’re very interested in working with health and safety consulting service UK to ensure a safe and compliant business environment. It is all very new and different.
I expect there to be a pretty hefty learning curve – I haven’t had any extended time alone with Wesley for nine months. I will shamefully admit that I don’t actually know what to do with him every day beyond feeding him and playing with him, but hey! I will learn.
I also need to learn to cook. I can bake just fine, and there are a few meals I can reliably make myself, but Daniel does the vast majority of cooking in our household. If he is bringing home the bacon (metaphorically, of course – he is vegetarian!) then by all means, I can figure out how to make dinner. Plus, Wesley needs to eat during the day, and while I am more than happy to exist on cold cereal I expect that he needs more balanced meals. We have a crock pot I’ve never used because I was scared to leave it on all day while I was at work, and I am going to experiment with it. (If you know of any “Vegetarian Recipes for Dummies,” crockpot-friendly or not, I am all ears.)
I am incredibly bummed about leaving the place I’ve worked for the last four and a half years, especially since I truly liked what I did (web development) and loved my co-workers, but here’s to new beginnings!
Oh, Megan! This sounds do exciting! In fact, just today I was noticing how many people have left there while flipping through linkedin.
All sounds quite exciting, good luck with everything. If you ever want to talk etsy shops, or want any tips in opening a shop, let me know!
Yay! I’m so excited for you and your family!! And excited that this is now public news.
I’ve been wondering if there was any progress. I hope you are able to find a place in ID soon and that everything works out on the job/potential coffee shop/Etsy front.
Can we pretty please hang out once before you leave? I would love to visit with you and Wesley (Daniel too if he is around). If you want to get together on a friday (the one after your last day perhaps?) I will have little Z who would LOVE to see “baby Wefwee” plus we could have a SAHM and pretend-mom adventure.
Oh Meggan this is so exciting! I am really happy everything is going to be working out. I’m especially happy you’ll be a lot closer to your family and that you’ll be able to be with Wesley a lot more. Yay yay yay!
i’m so excited for you and the new things in your life. sometimes a change is just what the heart needs.
Whoa! This is huge. SO excited for you. I love a big change.
Wow, opening your own coffee shops sounds like an exciting adventure! Good luck with that, I’m curious about your future reports!
What an exciting adventure! I’ve always loved taking big life-changing risks so I’m all for doing something like this! I wish you guys a ton of luck. How nice it must be to move close to family again, too. That in itself makes all the difference.
Time may change me, but…
Now I’m going to have Bowie stuck in my head all day.
So exciting! Maybe I’ll see you guys more often. And if Daniel opens a coffee shop in town I promise that I’ll stop by every time I’m in town!
So exciting!! Living near family is great and I can say, I’d be lost without my parents and my mother-in-law!
I hope your move is swift and pleasant. It all sounds so very exciting and I know how much you’ve been looking forward to your babytime. =) Plus, extended family are a magnificent help. I know that I miss having mine nearby! Good luck with your adventures!
AHH how exciting! How awesome would it be if Daniel opened his own coffee shop? That would be SO cool. Good luck! Keep us posted
I read this back when you posted it and squee’d out loud!!!… then totally forgot to comment, HAHA! XD
BUT YAY. I am soooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope it all goes fabulously and good luck to Daniel on his business plan! 
Wow that is so exciting! Good luck to you!!
A tad late to the party, but woohoo
I am so pleased! And hey, that means you’ll be able to plan an epic first birthday part for Wesley too?! 
I miss working with you already! But I did get to see Daniel yesterday which is awesome. So excited for you guys!