November 15, 2010 8:30 pm
Breastfeeding on Sesame Street
My internet friend Megan recently shared this link to a clip of Sesame Street where a mama is nursing her baby. I LOVE IT. It’s so… normal. Refreshingly normal. There’s no judging, awkwardness, or apologizing. She’s even nursing without a cover! On national television! (Further proof that you CAN nurse discreetly without a cover.)
I can’t imagine a clip like this being aired on ANY kid’s television station now (especially since the reaction to Katy Perry’s clothed boobs on Sesame Street not too long ago) so I’m very appreciative that this clip exists.
File Under: Breastfeeding and Pumping, General, Media
this is one of my favorite clips ever. i can’t quite put my finger on it, but it brings tears to my eyes. it’s just… sweet. and innocent. times when boobs weren’t a huge controversy.
From what I remember they’ve done a couple of breastfeeding clips as well as a bottle-feeding one. It’s like equal opportunities children’s TV
I totally agree about it being so ‘normal’ though. We need to see more of that.