November 5, 2010 5:56 pm


About a month or so ago, after a MST3K movie-watching binge, Daniel looked up and bought the soundtrack off iTunes. IT IS AMAZING. It basically consists of the audio from the songs they sing during the interludes of the movies, and OH MAN. There are so many great ones, it’s hard to choose favorites. Here are a few:

Where Oh Werewolf

I don’t know how these guys are so good at writing songs like this. It amazes me.


I haven’t actually seen the movie in which they sing the Sodium song, but it’s great nonetheless.

Other highlights

  • Toobular Boobular
  • (Let’s have a) Patrick Swayze Christmas
  • Tribute to Pants

If you’re a Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan, check it out!

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