May 9, 2010 7:41 pm

Mother’s Day

Today has been just lovely. Wesley had a good night so I didn’t wake up exhausted, and then Daniel took him to the living room for a while anyway so I could rest a bit more. I got breakfast in bed: French toast on Texas Toast-style bread with blackberry jam, and BACON and fruit and orange juice!

Daniel is basically the best husband ever and got me a gift certificate for a one-hour massage. WIN! (And no, I will not share him.)

Then Daniel took Wesley on a walk (in the Moby wrap – *swoon*) while I took a nice, long, shower. It was gorgeous outside today so I’m glad they got to take a nice walk.

Then, Wesley has been a DREAM BABY all day today. Napped for two and a half hours. Hung out in his swing.

Played in his Bumbo chair:

Chubby Baby

Has been pleasant while awake:


All in all it has been a great day.

I haz a syn.

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