24 Weeks – Viability
Christmas Eve this year marked 24 weeks of pregnancy for me, meaning that if – heaven forbid – Baby were to be born, he would at least have a chance at survival. Babies born prior to 24 weeks are often too fragile and underdeveloped to make it. As such, I am very, very thankful that we’ve made it this far and hope we continue to rack up the weeks with Baby baking safely inside.
Holiday Travel
Oh man. So, we took the train home for Christmas, and everything went fine until we hit Spokane. Then we got news that the other leg of the train coming from Seattle was stuck behind a derailed freight train, and would be four hours late reaching Spokane. ARGH. We sat on the train at the Spokane station from 12am until 5am (it takes about an hour for them to service the trains and join them together) and finally made it into Sandpoint at 6:20am.
I would have done fine except for some reason my feet decided to swell up like the characters in Wall-E and it was so uncomfortable! I had fat little sausage feet. They’ve never done that before but the train was super warm so maybe that aggravated it? Either way, they’ve been chubby off and on since then so I’ve been drinking water and trying to lay with my feet elevated when I can.
Baby Stuffs
Baby more or less cooperated with family members wanting to feel kicks – my cousin and Daniel’s sister each got a few really good ones. He’s still pretty sneaky, but it’s getting a little easier to tell what’s going on in there so I can tell people where to put their hands.
Baby should be around a foot long and about 1.3 pounds this week. Sometimes this seems really little and then sometimes this seems OMG ENORMOUS and I start wondering how he manages to fit in my tummy. And then I remember he is supposed to weigh something like SEVEN TIMES this amount when he’s born and I get freaked out.
We received a bunch of totally adorable things for Baby for Christmas. We got two different dinosaur themed footie pajamas, a photo album, tiny scrapbook, and a large hardback book of Mother Goose nursery rhymes. I also got Baby a pacifier clip and a crinkly toy owl for his stocking.
My mom gave me a hand-knitted ear-flap hat that I think will fit Baby next winter. Apparently she was trying to knit a hat for one of my brother’s friends but kept making it too small, so after a few attempts she ran with it and just made a small baby hat.
Also, my cousins’ kids are so cute! We got to play with them on Christmas and it was a lot of fun. We were talking about baby gear and one cousin offered to give me her gently-used Medela breast pump! She said she bought it to replace the last one she had, but only ended up using it for a couple of months before they cut down on nursing and didn’t need it anymore. Score!
More owly things
Among other things, Daniel got me the cutest tea set ever and I can’t wait to use it. I am still dying of cuteness.
Car update
We hold the keys! And we have made duplicates in case we lock ourselves out! I am still trying to figure out the process of transferring ownership but we are going to commit to purchasing insurance tonight (fingers-crossed) and then we can submit all the title transfer informationy stuffs. Hurrah!
I’m sorry the train ride got uncomfortable. Traveling during the holidays stinks and I’m glad I don’t have to do it.
That tea set is SO adorable and I want it! Hehe!
Aww, I think it’s adorable that Baby got his own stocking! <3 The things you put in it are super cute too! (And that tea set – ahhh!)
I'm sorry the travel was uncomfortable.
Like Caity said, it's really not fun to travel during the holidays.
I always found it so hard to believe how small the baby was, even over halfway into the pregnancy. It’s crazy to think he still has 7 times his weight to gain!
And, awww, I miss all the little kicks and jabs going on inside my belly. I wish I was pregnant again. I’m so jealous of you still getting to experience all of this!
Ooh, yay for cute baby stuffs! I think I’m going to be addicted to Etsy too whenever I start having kids, teehee! XD
Zomg, that is QUITE an adorable tea set. I want a tea set now!! Daniel did good. ;D
1.3 pounds? Jeez, that’s tiny!
All that owl stuff is really cute