16 Week Appointment
Hurrah! Everything looks great!
Today was the dreaded glucose test, but honestly? WHAT WAS I SO WORRIED ABOUT?!? I think I was just afraid the drink would be syrupy, like trying to drink maple syrup, but it actually just tasted like flat 7-up. (I had the lemon-lime flavor.) Totally not a big deal. It was hard to drink it all in one sitting and MAN that is a lot of sugar to ingest that early in the morning, but I totally overhyped it in my head and it was not that bad.
I didn’t have to get undressed for this appointment so that was a nice plus. They took me into the room and chatted for a bit and then brought out the doppler. Baby was super cooperative and was really easy to find, and the midwife let us listen for a little bit longer than last time. The heartbeat sounds like a whoom-whoom-whoom noise, not the adult-sounding glug-GLUG, glug-GLUG. This is ONE occasion where I kind of wish I had an iPhone so I could record the sound and save it!
Then they had me wait for about 10 minutes so they could test my blood exactly an hour after I finished my glucose drink. They took a few vials (to test for lots of things besides the glucose – things like Rubella and HIV and stuff) and then I got my H1N1 flu shot – they said they were likely to run out so it’s good that I opted to get one today.
Overall, it was a pretty quick appointment, BUT I got the golden ticket – the piece of paper that tells me where and who to call to schedule my ultrasound! Squee! I can schedule it for anytime after November 20. Next appointment at the gynecology clinic was scheduled for December 3 with my gynecologist and they said that’d be great because then they can discuss my ultrasound results with me.
This week’s tummy comparison:
Why yes! Hello! Baby should be around the size of an avocado this week (I can’t get over the food comparisons, they are too adorable) but MAN he/she takes up a lot of room for being fruit-sized. My jackets still zip but I think their days are numbered.
I am slowly but surely obtaining wearable maternity clothes, and I wanted to send a HUGE thank you to Amanda, who reminded me that I can wear dresses with leggings (instead of tights!) and has hereby made it possible for me to avoid pants sometimes.
I think maybe, just MAYBE, I have been feeling the baby for a few days. I am not 100% sure, and I told Daniel I was withholding judgment until I start feeling it more consistently, but I swear I felt a somersault a few days ago and occasionally think I feel tiny kicks. It’s a little on the early side for feeling the baby, and it usually takes a little longer too if you’re overweight, but you’d have a hard time convincing me the somersault feeling was not the baby. I keep poking my belly to see if Baby will respond but it hasn’t worked yet. (I will probably keep trying anyway, haha.)
I’m glad to hear everything’s going well. I was a little over 20 weeks when I KNEW I felt the baby move. A few weeks before that, I could have sworn I felt him kicking around, but wasn’t entirely sure if it was that or just gas. Haha.
Ooh, you can really tell the difference.
This is all so exciting!
My avocado niece or nephew! I love you! I love the comparisons too. Delightful.
You may have felt movements. I felt mine really early. I was having a bad day at work and leaned forward to rest my head on the desk, and in doing so felt the weirdest little fluttering.
Baby! Baby! Baby! I can’t wait to spoil that little one!!! Love you Megg and your little avocado too!
Squeee!!! Glad to hear things are still going well.