March Craft Roundup
On a whim, I decided to make wedding cake toppers this weekend. I’m not sure if we are going to use them or not, since we’re not having a traditional cake (just cupcakes, plus a giant cupcake for us to cut) but if we need them, we’ve got them.
I hadn’t poked eyes in them yet, so after I took the photo I went and did that and then baked them. Too bad I didn’t pay attention to them while they were in the oven – their little rear ends got toasted! They aren’t burnt burnt, but they are very brown on their tails and their beaks and feet are pretty dingy looking too. Dang. I figure frosting will hide some of it. I should take a “finished” photo so show off what they look like now.
I also started and finished a new embroidery project: a pegasus!
Here is a close-up of the feet. So cute!
The pegasus pattern also comes with a unicorn, which I hope to also embroider. The pattern is available for free here; click on “free patterns” in the sidebar categories section. I also really like her gnome pattern and I’m thinking about making it into a cover for one of our throw pillows.
Also upcoming craft-wise are some curtains for our living room. I bought a zillion yards of some super awesome material and am itching to use it. They will be short, just half-curtains, so we can open the blinds in the summer to get some light but still have some semblance of privacy.
Aw, those toppers are so cute and unique!
What do they look like with the eyes?
The pegasus is adorable! I love the colors.
I wish I were crafty…
So cute! Now I want to start embroidering! Hmm… must find books on it or something. But then I also need more time in my days. Got any secrets on how to do that?
@Melissa – Thanks! I have a couple photos of them with eyes posted on my Flickr account. Still deciding whether or not I want to re-do them and not overbake the second time.
@Vira – Haha, the embroidery, or the more time? No secrets on the time, but embroidery is pretty easy to get the hang of. I had the good fortune of having my grandmother teach me when I was 10, but I only picked it up again a couple of years ago. Sublime Stitching’s How 2 and How 2 Part 2 are both really helpful for newbies, I think. You could probably find some videos on YouTube also, but I haven’t looked.
Good luck! The projects are pretty small and quick to finish – I did that pegasus in a few hours the other evening.
I wanna see the Giant Unicorn spam!!
wow awesome job! i’m not even close to that creative.
Oh man those are oh so cute. I’d love to see a pic of the final ones. And i’m sure the toasty bits only add to the personality.
also.. zomg those little feeties made me squeeeee!!1 i want to try my hand at embroidery sooo bad. i’m going to check out those patterns
Sorry to comment twice but i’m silly and just realized you have tons of photo’s of them on your flickr! *goes to look*
Wow, you are really creative! I for one, would never be able to create such cute little thingies! I absolutely adore the Pegasus: he is so uberly cute!
Ooh nice crafty stuff!! I love cute crafts, though I am only familiar with knitting and crochet for the moment. I’ve been really wanting to move into polymer clay work (is that what your cake toppers are made from) and maybe embroidery one day too.