Makes Me Wonder
While browsing my student loan website attempting to make a payment, I came across this little gem:
Take a look at that, and then tell me HOW BADLY they want me to navigate back from this page instead of forward. The fact that the “next” button is on the second line may be due to browser differences (maybe they meant it to be in line with the others?) but the fact still remains that they’ve got three different versions of GO AWAY with a subdued “fine, go forward.” They’re attempting to take my money – wouldn’t it make sense to spend some visual effort getting me to continue forward?
I did not visit this website after reading this ad, but I did take a screenshot of it because it made me laugh. Also, what is with their weird capitalization?
“By installing Java, you will be able to experience the power of Java.” I saw someone else make fun of this install text, but I couldn’t resist. Seriously? Who in the world wrote that copy? There was another awkward sentence somewhere during the confirmation step but I didn’t save that one.
I’ve finished a few embroidery projects lately that are worthy of mentioning.
First up is a gnome design I made, based off of a product photo of a ceramic figurine:
Second is a Kurt Halsey design from Sublime Stitching:
I also finished an old-school coffee grinder for Daniel to frame and put up at work. They have a huge wall where they’ll post artwork or photos that customers bring in, and one of the other employees has been asking if I’d embroider something to put on the wall. The original pattern had some totally creepy dog next to the grinder with an awful pun about “the daily grind” or something of that nature, but I left all that nonsense off. I’m thinking of putting a border around it or something else to add visual interest, but it’s doing all right at the moment. Will take a photo soon. I also bought the Olde English Sublime Stitching pattern so I can do one that says “MUGG LYFE” because it’s some silly inside joke at the coffee shop.
I went on a crazy yarn binge. Two weekends ago, a local yarn store was going out of business and had a 40% off sale, so I picked up a few things. Then last weekend I stopped by, and it was 50% off! So I bought more. I am not totally sure what to do with the yarns I bought (you can see them on my Flickr feed) because the only projects I can imagine myself making and actually using are scarfs and mittens. Any ideas? I hate felted things as a general rule, and I am totally not up to knitting socks yet – I’ve decided the only way I could probably knit socks is knitting two socks at once with the Magic loop method. Any other way and I couldn’t guarantee I’d make them the same size or even finish the second one. Anyway, what might you do with the lovely Maisy Day Cacao Nibs from Hello Yarn? I want it desperately and yet I feel I can’t do it justice because I will turn it into a mere scarf.
As far as projects go, I finished one Saartje bootie (pdf) and… I think it could probably fit a three-year-old. But I’m not sure. I’m thinking I’ll just knit the other one and hope they come out the same size, even if it is big, because then it will fit SOMEONE. Stupid gauge.
Oh wow, did you see Jenny’s new gnome and fairy pattern? You must have been reading her mind!
Yours looks great.
What about kitting a poncho? Those can be cool, or a bag! I would totally use a knitted bag, or have I just suggested the most monstrous projects?
I have no idea, I’m not a knitter… On second thoughts, don’t listen to me. 
Ooops, typo – I mean knitting, not kitting! It’s early.. :weird: