Happy Birthday to Me!
I turn 22 today! Daniel and I went to Coeur d’ Alene yesterday and wandered around the farmer’s market for a bit. I looked at some neat handspun yarns and he talked coffee with the guy from Bumper Crop, who was far younger than I expected (for whatever reason). He’s super nice and he knows our friend Rita from Portland, so it was fun talking to him.
In the evening, Daniel and his mom and I went to my parent’s house and my mom helped us make soap! Mom raises goats so we made goat milk soap with some sort of fancy fragrance.
I also bought some yarn yesterday in the hopes of making a baby bib (or two) for my manager, who is supposed to have a baby sometime in August. It should be pretty mindless knitting so we’ll see how far I get with it.
This morning, we’re making popovers and further testing out Daniel’s espresso machine. There were a few glitches in getting it going (a water tube was damaged during shipping) but all seems to be well now and I should be receiving an iced caramel latte pretty soon.
Had a bit of a scare when my work called me the other day to say that I’d have to go on a business trip to New York City the day after I get back from vacation. Fortunately, several people decided it maybe wasn’t the best time for all involved so I get about a month’s reprieve. I’ll still have to go, I think, but not until July-ish. Scared me to death though – I’m not very keen on the idea of a business trip but I suppose I will live and probably even have fun.
Also, we still haven’t looked at any wedding locations, even though that was part of the reason we wanted to come up here. Hopefully, we’ll make it to at least one or two so I don’t have to explain to everyone that no, we’re lame and just didn’t call about it. We might have to mess with the date a bit because I’m still not convinced that Memorial Day weekend was a great idea, but we’ll see. Kind of depends on availability.
Hope you are having a wonderful summer solstice and I am off to eat popovers. :cheer:
V xx
Well hot dog… I haven’t been over to oipom in a while, and when I do it turns out to be your birthday.
So happy damn birthday. And congratu-damn-lations on the engagement! We’re living down in Boise now, but hopefully we’ll both be in Sandpoint sometime this summer.
Give Daniel a big kiss for me.
*sings loudly and obnoxiously*
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear Meggaaaaaan,
happy birthday to yoooooou!
I hope your 22nd year is fantastically awesome!
Happy birthday, Meggan!
Happy Birthday! and congratualtions on the engagement.
Excuse the ignorance, but I’m British, what’s a popover??
Sounds like you had a nice day, I’m glad you enjoyed it
Ps. not sure if you’ve seen already but there’s a cute patch waiting for you on the qbee bbs :3
Belated birthday wishes Meggan! (I’ve been away for a few days and missed your post till now)
Happy belated birthday!