Wrong Number; New Baby Goat
The other day, I got a phone call from a number I didn’t recognize. This happens fairly frequently, so I just let it go to voicemail. I checked the message about fifteen minutes later and this is what I heard:
Hi Meggan, my name is [blank] and I have a Honda CRX that needs to be serviced and I know you serviced it last time and I’m in Salmon, Idaho but I’m going to be in Idaho Falls tomorrow and I wanted to know if you could work on the car tomorrow morning? Please call me back to let me know if you can fit me in. Thanks!
She was obviously on a tight timeframe, and I felt really bad just ignoring her so I called her back. The conversation went something like this:
MEGGAN: Hi, I’m Meggan, you just called me about your Honda?
LADY: Oh, yes!
MEGGAN: Um, so you definitely have the wrong number – I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.
LADY: Oh… So you’re not an autoshop then?
MEGGAN: Er, no. I just wanted to call you back so you could get your car taken care of.
LADY: Okay, well, thank you!
It was only kind of awkward.
My mom’s pet goat had a baby yesterday! Mom text-messaged me (she’s getting all super high-tech with her new phone) to say she thought her goat was in labor, and would I like pictures? I told her I’d like pictures of the babies, not so much the birth. Heh. Later that day she messaged me a photo of new baby Gretl.
I’ve never really been a huge fan of goats, but baby animals are always cute.
Baby goats are ESPECIALLY cute!
Meggan, you mean you don’t service cars?! What a load of crock! And here you’ve been masquerading as another AutoZone for years!
LOL, that’s the best wrong number convo ever! I wonder how she found your number and why she didn’t realize you weren’t an auto place from your voicemail message.
Baby goat is so cute!
pet goat? lol. that is one cool pet to have.
That has to be one of the most surreal telephone conversations ever XD
Gretl is gorgeous