March 4, 2007 2:45 pm
Disable Snap Preview
the shower
Turns out you can disable those obnoxious Snap previews that people keep tainting their websites with. Simply click on that link in Snap’s FAQ to disable them globally (it uses cookies).
(P.S. Still working frantically on the new layout. Crossing my fingers for having it done tonight!)
Edited to add: Decided to edit layout on the fly. Things look weird, I know, but should be resolved soon.
Edited again to add: Going to bed. Footer still looks not-so-good, and I know I need quite a few IE 6 fixes, but it is an improvement, yes? I’m rather fond of this look.
File Under: General, Internet, Site Stuff
Man, I hate that Snap thing! Glad there’s a way to disable the annoying things.
I’m anxious to see the new layout!!
I never really understood the point of Snap. Why do people want it?
Looking good so far, Meggan, can’t wait to see it finished!
I loooove your smilies!
Eeee! Hehe…and I need to do that disable Snap thing. It annoys the hell out of me sometimes.
Yay Qbee! I go trade with you.
Psh, I’m silly. I already traded with you. XD Sorry about that!
REALLY love the new look. A triumph!
I like this layout more than your last couple of layouts
And apparently I’m the only person so far who has taken a yoga class. It was through school! In grade 11, they had yoga, and Sabrina made me go to one with her!
ooh, it’s rather shiny
I’ve only come across that snap thing once, luckily. It was quite annoying.
Thank goodness for this ability, and for you posting it! Those preview things drive me bananas.
Meggan, your site – I really like the look and the feel and I don’t know ‘snap’! That’s why you do what you do. Plus I need to let you know that the painting, your gift at Valentine’s Day, what a fun expressive little character. ta-ta