September 5, 2006 8:25 pm
Moving Up
Carnivore – “Five Billion Dead”
Daniel got a new job. He is set to start next Monday and he is excited. It’s still a coffee place, but it’s one that actually cares whether you make a quality espresso drink or not rather than “GET THIS OUT IN UNDER TWO MINUTES OMG” and then the drink tastes awful. So, yay! It will be a fairly substantial pay raise for him, the location is reasonably close to home, and the company really cares about what they do. All good things.
yippie! I actually saw a place with a help wanted sign today as we were lost in the city which looked like a high end coffee shop. I noted (and forgot) the street intersection so I could tell you in case Daniel was still looking….but he isnt. I hope he enjoys the new job
Thanks cutie! I’m pretty stoked that they actually wanted me, haha. I Love you tons!
Wooo!!! That’s awesome! Congratualtions Daniel!!