Talking With Mom
School of Rock DVD
I’m slowly but surely catching up on my homework. I still have a couple of big projects to work out, but I have today, tomorrow, and Monday to finish them so I’m feeling confident at the moment. And technically I have until Thursday afternoon for both of them, but you know. I want to get ahead, not just scrape by. I have a whole binder of stuff that’s due Thursday and I think I’m only missing one assignment from it, so that should be fairly easy to accomplish.
Today was horribly uneventful – the only interesting thing I did was talk to my mom on the phone for a while. Apparently my mother has just purchased four new goats, bringing her total up to five, all of which I think are unnecessary. She’s planning to breed them, I guess. My brother scratched my car. He allegedly tried to do a u-turn on gravel going about 30 miles per hour and the car didn’t like it and he hit a hill-type thing. He’s fine, the car is scratched though and a bit dented and he’s grounded from driving the nice pickup.
My other brother made it through his first week of college. He even did homework! He’s majoring in something like auto mechanics or auto something or other. Automotive technology? Cars, at least.
Mom also told me about a recent incident she had involving bad milk at work. They have little milk cartons, like schools do, and she grabbed one to drink. She said she took a big swig of it and only then did she realize it was bad. She spit it all over the sink in the break room and gagged and rinsed her mouth out forever. EW! I will admit that that is so much worse than my bad milk experience. Mom said it was days before she could drink milk again. Blech.
Having a car expert in the family can’t be bad! Maybe that’ll balance up the car-scratcher for you?!
V xx
Milk is evil. Your body cant digest it properly anyways. And I can tell you from experiance, having someone who knows cars in the family ROCKS.
I miss talking to you. Smooches to you!
I’m totally at your school right now. Sweetus!