Boring Site Adjustments
I’ve made a few changes around here and I’m pleased to announce that I now have clickable smilies enabled for comments. After reading a few things about it, I realized that this functionality was intended from the beginning and all I had to do was put the same PHP call in my comments.php page.
I also upgraded to WP 2.02 a few days ago and it seems to be doing okay. I was a little worried about my plugins not working, but the only one that got fouled up was WP Grins, and that was only because the call to display them got overwritten. I couldn’t remember how to add it back, and the solution I found was actually way better than the one I was initially using.
With the first one I used, you had you open at least three different files and put the call to display them in each one. This seemed redundant to me since I knew I could just add the WP Grins call under the Quicktags call, wherever that might be. I found Podz’s guide to implementing WP Grins (scroll to the bottom) and it was exactly what I needed. Yay!
I also fiddled around with some things so now whenever I comment, I’ve got this nifty little star next to my name and my text is black instead of dark gray.
I’ve obviously been avoiding homework all day.
File Under: General, Site Stuff
I really like my clickable smily script, although it was made for older versions of wordpress and had to be edited a bit. Other than that, it was the easiest and cleanest one I could find :good:
The funny thing about the smilies is that they’ve really been enabled from the beginning, but you’d have to guess at what the “accessor” code was. Like, is the lightbulb
or is it something else? (It is.) If you guessed it, it’d show up, but I didn’t even remember most of them. So yeah, smilies. I just thought it’d be fun to add them for the commentors.