Knitting Progress
I’ve decided I’m going to (re)start my knitting career by making a dishcloth. Yup. How very glamourous of me. I thought about making a scarf, but I started it too wide to begin with and then I think I really need bigger needles to make it less… stiff. The needles I’m using are 7’s – I got them at Goodwill yesterday for $2, along with the yarn. They’re good for dishcloth-type-things, but nothing too loose or flowy. It’d be like trying to wear a scarf made of cardboard.
Here’s my progress so far, since last night:
Mouse status: seen once today, bringing the total sightings up to two. Daniel has yet to see it. When I saw it, I shrieked “A MOUSE! THE MOUSE AGAIN!” and it got scared and ran away. Again.
We pulled back the couch to find him, and no mouse, but sure enough, mouse poop. Side note: over in the corner where the non-functional radiator and the built-in bookcase are, there was a weird… “open” area when we moved in, so I just covered it with a piece of cardboard. Upon further investigation tonight, the cardboard is bent (as if a mouse pushed under it) and the other wall just stops and the carpet stops and there’s a couple-inch-wide gap where you can just see dirt. Like, there’s not really a corner to the wall, it just goes directly to “under the building.” Fantastic.
Now, we’ve gotten to the point where we need to call pest control services since our traps weren’t working and we couldn’t really catch the mouse. Who knows, there might be more and we’re not equipped for that.
hehe, talk about scarfs getting to wide…^^
i started over TWICE with my first one, even when I was quite far, and the final scarf is still extremely wide (and extremely long). though after the second start over i had so much practise that I only needed about a week for the whole thing. and the first one was also much so stiff, so I just continued knitting very loosely (after the start over’s), which worked very fine for me
You should try getting some 16’s. Those were the first size of needle I ever had and they’re freaking HUGE. Think railroad spikes.
16’s?!? They’d be GIGANTIC! I have an 11 (it came with the 7’s, but there’s only one) and it looks huge. I can’t even imagine trying to knit with 16’s.