Minor Upswing
Foo Fighters – “Still”
I’m feeling a bit better today, and a bit worse. Daniel and I had a big talk last night about everything that’s been bothering me, and it seems that we’ve got it worked out. However, I now look like hell. My eyes are puffy and I have gigantic dark creases under them so it looks like I haven’t slept for weeks. I’m exhausted, and I’ve only been up for three hours. I cleaned the apartment and did the dishes and Daniel vacuumed the building and swept outside. I just want to sleep and sleep and not think about anything. I hate feeling like this.
Yesterday Daniel had mentioned that he wanted to go to Fry’s Electronics again to maybe get some computer stuff. Callie and Paul agreed to go, so we made a pit stop at Taco Bell to grab some food and then headed to Fry’s. Right when we stepped in the door, there was a huge display of Playstation 2’s and the Guitar Hero game. The boys were entranced and each picked up a console and the game and put it in the cart, and since I wanted to buy Daniel Guitar Hero for his birthday anyway, I offered to buy it for him last night. So he got an early birthday present this year and he seems very happy with it. :cheer:
Of course, this meant that right when we got home, we had to play hours and hours of Guitar Hero and I did sort of just want to go to bed even before we left for Fry’s. And then we had a talk and I was up until 2am or so, after being awake since roughly 4:30am that morning. No wonder I look like I haven’t slept in weeks.
Disc 2 of the Foo Fighter’s new album is gorgeous. I really like it a lot. Disc 1 is your typical rock sound, and this one is a bit softer and more acoustic-ish. Some of the songs are so pretty. I have to say that I think Dave Grohl can do no wrong.
1 Comment
Ugh…I have a feeling I’ll need to have one of those “big talks” soon. I hate that feeling. It’s awkward at first, but then you (usually) feel better afterward. I’m glad you were able to work out everything.