I’ve Got A Question For You
Propellerheads – “Take California”
This week’s C++ nightmare: we are re-creating a text-based version of this game. Ha. Aha ha ha ha ha ha. :faint:
Tomorrow I’m going on a photo shoot with Callie and our friend Ryan so we can get our History of Photography homework done. We have to take a photo in the style of a 19th century photo. I’m going to do a portrait of Daniel, I think. Should be interesting.
I don’t have anything meaningful to say – I made a new poll, I had Baja Fresh for dinner, I’m probably going to go play Animal Crossing, I think I’m coming down with a cold.
Here’s a question for you: Who would play you in a movie about your life?
My answer: Tina Majorino. You know, Deb of Napoleon Dynamite fame. But blonde.
File Under: General
I think Charlize Theron, with curly-ish, short, blonde hair could play me. Totally.
Awwh, put the link to the photo! THE LINK, CALLIE!
Also, I’m glad somebody finally commented on this entry. I didn’t think anybody would. Heh.