Huzzah! New Layout!
The HP GoF movie trailer
New layout! Press ctrl+F5 if things look funny to you. It features an adorable drawing of Ron and Hermione by the lovely person who runs Potter Pens. It is the cutest thing I have seen in a very very long time.
I had tons of issues with this layout (primarily because I have heavily altered my WP template to accomodate my need for control and I can’t figure out what goes where or why things are happening) but it works! It works! It even works in IE, and I have no idea how that happened, because usually things go horribly, horribly wrong in IE. It’s a little off (margins/padding is too big on some sides and too little on others) but I feel it’s a minor issue at this point. I just wanted a nice, cute, semi-wintery layout, and I think I’ve gotten it.
Hurray for me! I’m off to the store to buy supplies for tonight’s cookie baking extravaganza. Expect a post with pictures at a later date.
[edit: 3:15pm]
Good lord. My apologies for how the comment section looks. I, um, don’t know what’s wrong. I NEED to run to the store, and I’ll come back and try to fix it. God, how embarrassing. And I call myself a web designer. :oops:
File Under: General, Site Stuff
Ohhhhh! Everyone’s putting up new layouts now! I absolutely ADORE this! The striped background just makes it all fit together. Love it!
It’s so different from the last one; I like it
(I liked the last one too though, never fear XD)
don’t worry about the comment section, I don’t think any less of you
I love the new layout! It is so dainty! Very cute illustration too. I am working on a new layout now as well, wish me luck!
Ha! Freaked me out at first when your site loaded light instead of dark.
New layout looks great – I don’t see any problem with the comment section…I take it that’s fixed now?
I love the new layout, the illustration is so cute! It even fits better so I don’t have to close my firefox sidepanel to view all of the text anymore.