November 14, 2005 5:04 pm
The URL Is Not What It Seems
the movie “Envy”
They’re right, this really is scary in any language.
This is such an adorable animal. Too bad it’s armed.
I don’t like these dogs, but this made me giggle.
Not work safe, but this kid is hilarious, and I wish I had her boobs.
We have these signs all over Portland. I love them.
I am TOTALLY doing this next year. That is beyond awesome.
I love the zombies! The business card is incredible too, hahaha.
Oh, man, they’re all hilarious, but that last one?
Givin’ me bladder control problems here. Moral Kombat was never so gruesome!
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The last picture is hilarious. The boobs one looks weird – almost like the kid was photoshopped in or something. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me?