You Touch My Tra-la-la
Cathedral – “The Ethereal Mirror”
Have you heard? There is a new pop star emerging that will totally change your view on the world.
His name?
From Gü
Günther wants to change the worlds look at the sexual way of thinking, so he have started a new trend to sexualise it more in the world. “A Günther trend”. He has only started his mission to go out in the world and spread the message of Love.
He has several lovely videos (not work safe) that you will enjoy. Selections include:
Ding Dong Song
Tutti Frutti Summer Love
Touch Me
…and several others.
Just go to and click on videos. The Ding Dong Song typically just begins playing when you click on it, but for the others, it’s likely you might have to right click on the link and click on properties, copy paste the URL to the actual video, open up Windows Media Player and go to File -> Open URL and paste the URL in there. A lot of work? Maybe. Worth it? Definitely.
You touch my tra-la-la, my ding ding dong.
I’ve seen the dingdong song a couple of times; I actually watched it a few days ago.
Oh man.
What kinda crap is that? What kinda name is that?

50-year old people are called Günther, but that guy…..
That makes me think of Tom Green with “The Bum Bum Song” awhile back…
I am officially scared…
you’re right it was really funny!! I have to say the mullet is hot!!!!!
bonerific. gunther gives me wet dreams
i touch my tra la la (olo) all night long to this ding dong song