Mindbenders – “Groovy Kind Of Love”
Today is Daniel’s last day at work. Yesterday his manager said that he will be well-missed by everybody, and I’m sure it’s true. They all love him there. It’s time for a change though, that’s for sure. He starts at the coffee place on Sunday at 7am.
He got this hilariously dorky sweater last week that has VIKING SHIPS on it. He emphasizes it like that every time he says it. “But it has VIKING SHIPS.” I think he looks cute in it because he never wears sweaters and it’s just different. I told him I was going to take a picture of him in his new sweater and show it to the internet, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Maybe today when he gets off work.
I’m still not sure what my Thanksgiving plans are. I’m definitely going home; that’s already been confirmed. I just don’t know how I’m getting there. I have a cousin who lives in Oregon City, and she and her husband are going to be driving up for the holidays, so my mom was thinking I might be able to get a ride with them. My other option is the train, and the third option is flying. I’ve never flown by myself, and to tell you the truth, the thought of it terrifies me. The flying I can totally handle, it’s navigating the airport by myself and trying to make it to the right gate and whatnot. I guess I could do it if I had to, but I’d rather not. So I may end up in a car for eight and a half hours.
I am excited to go home though. Apparently, both of my mom’s siblings are going to be there, which is totally crazy. Her sister lives near Boise, ID and has three kids, and her brother was the one that was a police trainer in Iraq or something insane like that. He got married in Ukraine earlier this year and he and his wife Oksana are moving up to North Idaho and building a house. His daughter (my bestest cousin, Kalena) will be there too, which is AWESOME because I haven’t seen her in waaaay too long. Mom says there’ll be about 30 people there. She also said all the clutter in the house freaked her out so she spent $100 on shelves and Rubbermaid containers to put stuff in. Hee. I love Rubbermaid containers.
Totally unrelated, but has anybody but me been getting tons of spam this week? Every time I log in to WordPress it tells me I’ve got anywhere from one to eight spam comments in moderation, and I normally don’t get any. Fortunately, only about one out of every ten or so gets through, so it’s not a huge problem. But still, the spam.
Edit: The photos! :camera:
It is stressful, especially if you haven’t traveled the airports by yourself, but I’m sure you could navigate any airport just fine. As long as you aren’t pressed for time, and aren’t carrying too much shit, it’s not too bad.
Even an old drunk like me can always find my gate in plenty of time.
Now, there WAS that one time I drank too many margaritas and missed my train home from Toronto, but that’s another story…
Ugh, travel stress. When we were in Pittsburgh we drove home for the holidays. I thought dealing with five hours of driving was bad… but damn.
Flying? I think I’d have a nervous breakdown before I got on the plane. But hey, you do what you gotta do!
Love the pictures, btw. Hmm. I should talk the husband into growing sideburns.
Oh yes the viking ship sweater RAWKS! You guys are such a cute couple
My spam has actually tapered a bit lately it seems to come in waves though, I’m sure I’m due for a new one soon.
I love the pictures!! The sweater… where did you get that? You’ll be fine flying if you have to. Just call your big sis adn I’ll talk you through it. Megg, you should get a matching sweater!!!!!
Oh my GOSH I want that sweater XD
He is just too adorable. Love that sweater
Oh my god the sweater!!!
Meggan, I am sorry to do this, but Daniel, I must have you! Now! I am so turned on by those VIKING SHIPS, how can any girl control herself around such things?
Dont let him leave the house in it! Us girls can only control ourselves so much.
Helloooooo ladies. Haha, I’m glad you like my sweater so much. I think it F-ing rocks.
I just stumbled across the sweater pics and have petitioned my wife to PLEASE make me one. I will let you know how it goes.