October 4, 2005 5:23 pm
The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos – “Os Iusti”
Daniel’s family is amazing. Today when I got home, there were two messages on the answering machine – one from his dad and one from Heidi, and then Hi-Kid (his grandpa) called just a bit ago, and I just listened to a voicemail message from Gretchen.
From what I understand, Nana woke up today and told Hi-Kid that she thinks today is her day to go.
Nothing has happened yet, but she has definitely taken a turn for the worse and everybody is understandably shaken. I just called Daniel at work to tell him, and I gave him Nana and Hi-Kid’s number so he can call them now instead of waiting for them to call back when he gets off work.
May it be peaceful and quick, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry. I give my best regards, whether or not today is/was the day.
I am very sorry to hear this, it is good that Daniel’s family is close so that they can all help out through this emotional time.
I’m sorry, too. I just went through a similar situation on Oct. 3rd with my great grandmother. It’s sad. I hope you and Daniel are doing ok.