Being Whiny
David Bowie & Nine Inch Nails – “I’m Afraid of Americans”
Please bear with me.
I’m totally freaking out – I’ve got nothing to do. Nobody’s online to talk to, and hardly anybody has a new post today (Dooce, where are you when I need you?!?) so I’ve got nothing to read. I’m sick of the computer, but everything I can think of to do (write PHP, play in Illustrator, talk to people, email people) involves the computer. I’ve watched so many movies this break I can’t bear to think about watching any more. Daniel doesn’t get off work until 10pm, so I probably won’t talk to another human until then. I don’t feel like baking, I don’t feel like going anywhere. I don’t have any homework since my classes haven’t started yet.
I want to talk to HUMANS! I welcome human interaction!
[edit: 10:09pm]
Almost simultaneously, I got like, 500 comments on just this ONE ENTRY (or six, whichever, two of which are mine), Daniel came home, and DOOCE POSTED. My day is going right now. I thank you all. :love:
quick quick! It’s a social crisis! Get on a bus and talk to random people!
Heh, in my jammies? They’d think I was crazy!
I know how you feel, im stuck at school, in a computer lab with nothing to do. I wish I at least had my own files here.
Oh well, only an hour to go :x
Wow, this post describes my every night. I think that means I’m pathetic, no?
Aw Meggan.
You’re not being whiny. Not at all. One of these days maybe we can talk. I’m not very interesting, and my voice is more grating than Gilbert Godfried yelling “AFFLACK!”, but I do think it would be fun to talk to you.
:hugs her humans:
This is completely unrelated, but… *points to gravatar above* YEAH TOAST!