Cabin Fever
Hammerfall – “Hearts of Fire”
I can’t say I’m thoroughly excited about the new term starting tomorrow, but I feel like I’m going insane just being at home all the time, so I’m going to welcome the human interaction.
Yesterday I spent most of the day cleaning the apartment. I washed all the sheets and mattress covers from our beds in the other apartment (two huge loads of laundry), re-organized some of the boxes in the living room, got rid of others, picked up random junk off the floor, found a place for almost everything that needed a place, cleaned (scrubbed) the bathroom, and made homemade macaroni and cheese and some green beans for dinner when Daniel got home. :whew: I dunno, maybe it doesn’t sound like a lot, but oh my god does the apartment look better now.
Daniel got home at 3pm, but since he got up at like, 5:30am, he was pretty tired and went to go lay down at roughly 7pm. He slept for a couple hours, meaning that even though he was home, I didn’t get to talk to him for FOREVER. Lame. He finally got up and I suggested we do something like play a board game, so he taught me how to play backgammon. I think I understand it okay; he won the first game and I won the second. He said we’ll have to have a tiebreaker soon.
I think I start getting really domestic when I get really cabin-fevery. Today I went out and bought a bunch of little wooden IKEA picture frames from Goodwill (I long for an IKEA store nearby) and went about painting them all black. I had to have something to put my new winkflash pictures in. :lookup: Anyway, they look neat.
The real reason I went to Goodwill was because Daniel said they had a 4′ LoveSac for $14! So cheap! It sold before I got there though, so now I’m looking into ordering a Poof (Foof?) chair online. We should have our security deposit checks coming in the mail relatively soon (I hope…) and Poof chairs are SO MUCH less expensive than LoveSacs anyway. I don’t know what size I should get though – just so I have a frame of reference, JessicaRabbit, what size do you have?
File Under: General
I have the biggest one that I could get through the Home Decorators Catalog, which I think is an XL. It was slightly over 300 bucks I believe, maybe closer to 4. It is awesome. And so so comfy.
And really good for nookie. hehehehehehehehehehehehee
Ok I looked at the site now, mine is the XXLarge I guess. Me and Steve and Derek all fit in it at once. But I tell you what, you can wash them but inner liner or not once you get the cover off its HARD as fuck to get it back inside the cover. I have had to (many) times dump all the foam out, wash the inner and outer liner and scoop all the foam back in. It is a 3 person job. Two to hold the cover and one to scoop foam.
Hmm. Just as I suspected. We’re considering either the 4′ one or the 5′ one. I just can’t decide whether the both of us could comfortably fit on the 4′ one, and anything bigger than that seems like it would be a nightmare in our living room. My vote is for the 5′ one, just to be on the safe side.