September 21, 2005 10:43 pm

Gravatars + Cookies

:note: Hades – “Hecate (Queen of Hades)”

I have successfully implemented gravatars in the comments of my journal. Of course, I pick the day to do it that decides to be an ass and start not showing some of the images. Bleh. But it’s working now. For those of you unfamiliar with gravatars but familiar with Blogger, they work just like your blogger profile image, except they’re associated with your email address. It’s free and easy to sign up. Gravatars make comment sections fun!

The cookies turned out okay, despite the dough turning into crumbs at the end instead of a nice, doughy ball. I fixed it by adding an extra egg and some more vanilla. Stupid recipe. I called my mom to have her give me hers instead. Also, I have nothing in the way of an electric mixer. Why, oh why, did I ever think that making cookies by hand would be a great idea?

halloween cookies

halloween cookies

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