August 5, 2005 9:18 pm

Lookee What I Did Today!

:note: Jack Hylton and his Orchestra – “Happy Feet (High Heels Mix)”

the box

the inside


This is a great day in the history of me.

[edit: 11:32pm]
I have successfully imported tons of songs onto my new iPod. However, iTunes just crashed and I probably need to re-start my computer anyway, so I may go do that now. I just wanted to express my unbridled glee about having a spiffy new 60GB color iPod photo. I even got a small discount because I’m a college student. :D I want to buy one of those cute little silicone clear-ish-white covers for it so I don’t muck it up right away, but since the 60GB ones are pretty new, I don’t know if they’re even available. Ah well.

In other news, Daniel and I are going to go look at a place for rent tomorrow morning, just to check it out. It’s near a music store (which is alternately great and horrible) and seems pretty cool. We’ll see how that goes. At least it’s in the morning, so hopefully it won’t be as hot. Today was just… ugh. Toasty beyond belief. Anyway, I’m off to try out my new gadget. :ipod: Whee!

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  • Trinity says:

    That is fucking AWESOME! I just bought myself an iPod mini, but it’s 4gig sexiness is NO MATCH for the sexiness of that 60gig beast! Whoo!

  • Callie says:

    WOW!!!! WOW! 60 GIG! this is so great meggan!!! i opened up your site…. AND THERE WAS AN IPOD THERE! And I exclaimed out loud! I actually said “wow” hehe. that’s great. i’m happy for you! woooo!!!

    ps it doesnt look like we’re going to the ocean/camping this weekend…

  • Fantastic lady! Huge conragts on your new geek gear and the checking out of a place, let me know how it goes! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!