June 24, 2005 3:06 pm
Four Years
Type O Negative – “Gravitational Constant”
To Daniel:
As of today, we’ve been going out for FOUR WHOLE YEARS. That’s a long time. That’s like, ONE FIFTH of our whole lives! Crazy! We’re about to go spend ten hours trapped on a train together, which is kind of a weird way to spend our anniversary, but it means ten more hours of being snuggly with you so I’m okay with that.
I’m hard-pressed to write something witty and tear-jerkingly awesome on this lovely day, but we’re supposed to be leaving and my brain is fluff.
Just know that you’re the best boyfriend ever. I love you more than anything and you’re more than I could have asked for. I love you, HBSL.
Meggan :love:
Congratulations, guys!
Thanks! I’m glad that I’ve been lucky enough to have you as my girlfriend, and I’m glad we got to spend our whole anniversary together, even if it was kind of a weird way to do it. I love you tons.
Congratulations to you both!! You guys are so cute together, so sweet. Have a wonderful vacation!!