May 5, 2005 8:11 pm

I Got A Reply! And More!

:note: Rolling Stones – “Sympathy For The Devil”

I received this in my email today:

Hello, Meggan.

Yes, your ticket was overlooked, and please accept my sincere personal apology.

May I ask if you’re still having problems with the missing .frm files? If so,
please reply and I promise to solve the problem ASAP.

Daniel Hedin
CyberPixels WebHosting

AH HA HA HA HA HA!!! “Please accept my sincere personal apology.” Naw, it’s cool, you just fucked up my databases and then ignored my plea for help for almost a month. Thanks. :sarc: Oh well, at least they did apologize. Anyway, I got a phone call today that said my domain transfer went through just fine. :D Yay!

Has anybody bought the new Nine Inch Nails CD :cd: yet? I’m going to eventually, I just want to know if anyone had and what they thought of it. Daniel got me a used copy of Donnie Darko today! :) I love that movie.

OH GOOD CHRIST. I was browsing while writing this, and I came across this headline:
Infant doused with pepper spray in family feud
Upon reading further, I learned that this had happened in a Wal*Mart. How white-trash, right? Then I read that it happened in Ponderay, Idaho. :blah: That’s like, ten minutes from where I used to live. Idaho gets the worst reputation, I can’t stand it. How fucking dumb. Pepper-spraying a two-month-old in a Wal*Mart. I feel disgusted. :yuck:

See my finished Firefox ad! I traced all the images so they look prettier.

That’s all for now.

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