Boring Boring Boring
Scissor Sisters – “Lovers In The Backseat”
It’s raining :rain: and cold. I’ve been freezing all day long.
I’ve been bumbling around for a while this evening. My profile is at if you’re interested. I love MySpace. Brien left me a compliment on one of my pictures so that made me feel good. However, his girlfriend broke up with him today, so that’s sad. I don’t know what it is with girls and Brien, they always screw him over. :worried:
I think I’m going to have stir-fry tonight, so that’s awesome. I’m very hungry.
This is probably the most boring post in the history of the universe, so I’m sorry for that. I don’t even have any pictures I can throw at you… Wait. I have baby pictures.
This is my favorite baby picture of Daniel. He’s just so small and cute!
This is me. I was pretty fat.
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