Minor Changes and Some Pigs and Flowers
Reel Big Fish – “Dateless Losers”
You may notice some changes on the journal – commenters are automatically plugged! I finally found a hack to take care of that for me – thank god. It automatically adds your name and URL (or not your URL if you don’t have one) to the list, the most recent being first. I don’t know how to reverse it. :dis:
Anyway, this means that for older entries that I haven’t gotten to yet, there will probably be two instances of pluggings, because I used to just put them at the end of my entries. You’ll just have to overlook that for now, I guess.
I also messed around a little with the text fields in the comment part – the actual “comment” area is bigger, and the font is a more reasonable size. Sorry it was so gigantic before – I never use it, so I didn’t realize it was like that!
JessicaRabbit, you crack me up. Thanks for the, um, support. Also, I’ve played that pig :pig: game before, a long time ago. I never could get them to do the Makin’ Bacon thing, nor could I ever get them to do anything cool, really. They just layed on their sides and gave me crap for points. Lame pigs.
Now, as promised, pictures of Le Piggy :pig: and Le Flowers:
And yes, the piggy really did come in a little wooden crate, complete with fake hay. It was really cute. I put the hay elsewhere, because it was kind of like that easter-grass stuff, little strips of paper, and it was sorta messy. I thought it was a nice touch. I haven’t opened him yet but I might now that I’ve documented his existence as a whole pig.
I have a question. :confused: If you had to pick between blue, green, or maroon, what one would you pick? The green and blue could really be any shade or tint or whatever, but what one do you think would look the most professional/kickass? The only thing it has to match is a black and white photo, so anything would work really. So, I guess, if you have other suggestions, feel free to offer those up as well.
File Under: General, Photos, Site Stuff
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