Things In The (Shared) Bathroom
Five Pointe O – “Aspire, Inspire”
I’m having the worst time coming up with a logo for my E-Commerce business project. It’s just not working and I’m getting really f-ing frustrated. Logo design is NOT my forté by any means, nor do I claim it to be (for obvious reasons). Whatever I come up with just doesn’t fit with what Keith has designed for the site, and the site design doesn’t quite go with our name. I like the design a lot, don’t get my wrong. It’s just that it’s very corporate looking, where our name is very… not. It’s very playful and funky, which is the sort of logo design I keep coming up with, but then it doesn’t match the site. I don’t know. Changing the name would probably be the easiest at this point, considering we still don’t really have a logo because I’m lame at solving design problems. Okay, I don’t feel like talking about this anymore. Ugh.
On to weird bathroom findings.
This is what prompted me to do this series of photos. Somebody left this on this little wicker table in the bathroom, just like how it’s photographed. I didn’t turn it over or anything. I don’t want to know what you’ve checked out from the library. Especially not if it’s this:
I apologize for the fuzziness of the next picture, but again, my camera kept adjusting the shutter speed for dim lighting, so any movement, even very slight ones, get captured as a blurred picture. Makes the file size a lot smaller though. Anyway, somebody randomly posted this above the toilet one day:
The next picture is a warning near the bathtub. The note actually reads something like, “Please close shower curtain completely; spilled water is going through the ceiling downstairs.” Except they spelled ceiling wrong. And I have to look at it EVERY DAY. I may just go insane.
I still haven’t technically been approved for the Oregon Chai fanlisting even though I’ve already finished making the site. Fanlisting sites are easy – you just install PHPfanbase, add the “about,” “extra,” and “rules” pages, and then you’re done. Making a portfolio site that looks like it’s a portfolio site – not so easy. I think it’ll take some fantastic photography and extensive use of CSS. I’m also trying to install WordPress and make it show up on the index page. We’ll see how that goes.
Thanks to: Shannon and JessicaRabbit for the comments. If this crazy commenting streak I’ve been on lately keeps up, I may just have to install that “plug your commenters” plugin for WP. Woo!
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