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I updated the my artwork section of my site today. I fixed the formatting so the images open in the same window with the proper stylesheet. My Nosferatu book cover was too big to fit, so I made it open in a nifty little javascript window. A lot of those drawings have just been sitting around in my sketchbook. I meant to add them a long time ago but never got around to it.
School is going well, so far. I’ve had “Intro to Video” on Monday, and then today I had “Art History: Art and Ideas” and “Concept Development.” Art History isn’t going to be nearly as bad as I thought; we look at paintings and learn about the artist and the time period it was in, and the themes embodied in the work and what it represents. Concept Development is technically a Graphic Design class, but it’s open to anyone who wants to take it (like me). For next week, I need to have taken 20-50 pictures of myself (portrait style/headshots) and have them in digital format (on CD, for instance) and (if I want) have some of them printed; about 20 different magazine advertisements that I like and that I think are strong in their uses of shape and type flow, an autobiography (less than 5 pages, about); and a list of “power words” that I think describe me. And then I have to give all of that stuff to some random person in the class while I get someone else’s, and then I have to design a promotional poster of them using the materials they gave me. So whatever I come up with for class is what the other poor person is going to have to use to do the assignment. Therefore, I can’t give them crap material, because that wouldn’t be fair to either of us. Ugh. So much work already.
Tomorrow I have “Web Scripting I” with Tom (the teacher I’ve had at least once EVERY term – it’s a good thing I like him!) in which I learn basic CSS and Javascript. Since I’m familiar with the basics of CSS, it shouldn’t be too bad and I’m looking forward to learning things. I’d like to know how to code CSS without expecting errors once I view it, or at least being mostly sure it’s going to look how I want it to when I view it. Anyway, in the afternoon I have “History of Material Cultures I” with Callie, Keith, and this guy named Christian. So even if it’s the most boring class in the world, I’ll have some friends! yay!
Go check out Keith’s website. It’s and prepare to be impressed with his flash work. He’s animating still photographs to resemble real life/videos. You get the idea.
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